I ended up accidently poking a hole in a gallon of CWC, and and it leaked out (almost the entire gallon), so I decided to get more. Lalel says BORN on 5/23/09, and it has new scent to it, - pinnaple! I love it! Not sure if it's a permanent change, but it is a change for good.
I noticed mine smelt a little different too, but I bought it a few months ago, and dunno if it's pinnable or not :shrug: I'm more concerned what you're doing up at 4:30 am
pauls always doing scent changes .. i think he said when "he's in the mood" he will add a different scent .. he's random like that LOL
Paul decides the scents? WOW that's cool ...I hate the smell of grape and pineapple ... too bad I will have to deal with it ... I am getting EZ Creme along with other CG stuff ...
^^^ pretty sure he does .. atleast thats what he said, if i heard him correctly .. dont quote me on that =)
I almost did. But I talked my wife into getting me more, and got a gallon of CWC, Maxi Suds II, and DG #902. worse one is grapefruit. It smells like someone's sweat...I'm serious...I hate grapefruits!!!:deadhorse: