RBOE or Supernatural V2?

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by kei169, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    I wish I had the money to send my wife on vacation for a week, I would love to get some things done around the house, and garage.
  2. EisenHulk

    EisenHulk Birth of a Detailer

    Can you really tell the difference between version one and version two?

    I'm referring to looks, durability, etc...not necessarily the texture of the wax itself.
  3. scottBT

    scottBT Birth of a Detailer

    personal opinion is that they both leave as good a finish and from what ive been told the durability is almost identical but from what ive been told, version 2 has a slight reduction in canauba content to make it more plieabable and buff off easier im still yet to try V2.
    the original edition RB is a brilliant wax, durability is way up there with some of the big players and the finish is top:awesome:
  4. Bigpikle

    Bigpikle Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    SN v2 has MORE carnauba in it than v1...
  5. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Just remember, anyone who does not want their RBOE, I'm always ready to take it from them. : )
  6. scottBT

    scottBT Birth of a Detailer

    oh i see, thought it was the other way round as canauba is solid until its broken down and mixed with oils etc so i would of thought it was a smudge less:shead:
    all i no is v2 is easier to use than v1:thumb:
  7. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    I heart V2!

    Well, RBOE and SNV2!

    I'm absolutely no help for deciding between the 2.
  8. Bigpikle

    Bigpikle Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    it shouldnt be...

    I was with Mr Dodo yesterday and we were talking about his waxes (obviously) and we discussed ease of use. V2 should be a little more tricky ie need a little more technique, due to the higher nuba content. It can sometimes need a wipe over afer an hour or so after buffing, just in case any more has come to the surface, but I've not yet experienced that.

    I also have some SN that was made between the 2 versions and was only made in a few sample pots. Its very grainy and has an even higher nuba content than V2. That is a little tougher to apply and doesnt spread quite as nicely due to the nuba 'lumps' in it - hence why it didnt make it to the final v2 product....

    They are really good products though IMHO :)
  9. AlvinOne7

    AlvinOne7 Virgin Detailer

    Isn't the price difference between the two substantial also? With RBOE being on the better side of the wallet
  10. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I haven't really used either, but my take is that if people are torn between the two, they are presumably about equal quality. Go for the cheaper.
  11. scottBT

    scottBT Birth of a Detailer

    the RBOE is far cheaper and less mainstream as its hand & home made so its a little special IMO.
    the SN is a great product but as above, cost does come into the equasion as they are both very good waxes.:thumb:

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