Haha! I'm thinking of getting a couple of Metabos to get them both started. Thanks man! Haha! That's the best part about it. Thanks dude! You are a busy guy. That sounds like fun though. I'm sure there is never one boring moment.
wow congrats :applause2: :applause2: I would have to agree, nothing more valuable in this world then family :thumb:
Update: 30 weeks into our pregnancy and two ultrasounds later, we finally found out today what we are having: another princess. :headbang: I'm feeling really outnumbered now.
Congrats mang!! you're just starting and i'm counting the days till they are gone!! LOL i have 4 as some know, 21-m, 18-m, 16-m, 11-f. i figure 8 more years and me and the wife should be free to walk around neked again!!