Wax/Sealant on Black Acura TL

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by jimlenz, May 5, 2009.

  1. jimlenz

    jimlenz Virgin Detailer

    I am new to this so excuse my ignorance. I really want to learn and get this right.

    I am set with my new car and am going to wash,clay and use menzerna sip and 85rd. Now I need to find a wax/sealant.

    Based on what I am reading, wax is better and probably what I want. I think? I plan to wax the car twice per year, living in Michigan I dont need as good of durability in the summer months but do in the winter. What about different waxes for differnet seasons? I was thinking of the souveran for the summer and then in the fall use the collinite 845 which would last me most or all of the winter?

    Does it matter which wax goes on a black car? How does my plan sound? Any other waxes that would go good with my combination?

    Finally, is my thinking correct about wax over sealant?

    Thanks in advance

  2. jimlenz

    jimlenz Virgin Detailer

    Sorry, I forgot one item. I know the souveran is quite expensive, does it make a big different on the paste vs. liquid? The liquid is definitely cheaper. Or a decent alternative that is cheaper.
  3. rwisejr

    rwisejr DB Forum Supporter

    Those waxes sound fine for the uses you layed out. I haven't used the souveran yet but My take is the paste is what you want .
  4. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Liquid or paste doesnt matter. It's all personal preference. Your game plan sounds good. Collinite 845 is great for the winter. That's what I use on my black SUV. Wax isnt color dependent per say. The only time I think it really matters is on single stage paint. My favorite wax for black paint is Zymol Glasur.

    What year is your TL? I just did a white '09 and used Glasur on it.
  5. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Collinite 915... cheap, longlasting and looks great on black.
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I'm not a big fan of Souveran, in my opinion Victoria is a better wax but that's just my personal opinion :shrug:

    I haven't tried Collinite my self but from what I've heard it has great durability so you should be covered well for the winters as for summer I wold go with Victoria...best part Victoria is cheap compared to Souveran...I think :shead:

    Any who just my :2cents: hope it helps.
  7. sal329

    sal329 Nuba Guru

    FK1 1000p top with Clearkote Carnauba Moose
  8. uzj100

    uzj100 Jedi Nuba

    +1 for FK 1000P and you might want to consider their 425 QD too.
  9. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    The Liquid Souveran Polycharged wax is a decent wax. It has great shine and depth But it seems that you need two coats to really get some durablity. You do get rewarded for your effort. You get more shine and more depth. It looks most awesome. This might be one of the cheaper nuba waxes to put over a sealant. I have not tried this idea yet. I just thought of it...:thumb:
  10. richy

    richy Guest

    Your product choices seem fine. Living in Michigan, you also have an advantage of having Bob from Danase detailing products in your state. His DWG rocks and he has many other great products that you could save shipping on.
  11. jimlenz

    jimlenz Virgin Detailer

    I am new to this forum so where do I find information on Bob and his products? Thanks.


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