2009 G37x

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Nica, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    is it me or did you add vignetting to your pictures?

    that's also some surprisingly hard paint too!
  2. digneesh

    digneesh Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Terrific job by both of you. Excellent write-up too...very informative
  3. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you 911 for the feed back :peace:

    I know, I keep wanting one but I keep forgetting about it, when I see members using the foam I try to look a way :giggle: I'll be getting one soon enough, as soon as Chris gets the foam guns that is :thumb:

    :nod: yup, I finally learned how to properly use the vignetting feature...I'm now taking a beginners course on Photoshop for Photographers and I finally learned dot use this feature properly :thumb: As for the paint, I agree I was completely surprised with the rock hard clear coat I didn't even had a warning, out of no where BAM hard clear coat :shead: :shead:

    Thank you, glad you enjoyed the write up and didn't find it too long and boring :peace:
  4. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    The black came out great, once again nice job Nica.
  5. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you Rocket man, very much appreciated :peace:
  6. pirex

    pirex DB Certified Dealer

    Very nice work Carlos, the care came out GREAT!
  7. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    great work.

    glad to see the owner stuck around and helped out.
  8. merlin3008

    merlin3008 Birth of a Detailer

    Great job! What was the winning polish combo? I have an 08 G35 and the clear is very hard as well. In fact there's a sticker under the hood that says "hard clear coat." love that.

  9. My2Cents

    My2Cents Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Great work, but didn't you ever consider wetsanding ?

    3M's Trizact system is great for this kind of work.

  10. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you pirex, glad you enjoyed it.

    I too was glad the owner stuck around, that way he could experience first hand the lovely clear coat he has to play with :devil:

    Glad you enjoyed it, the combo that delivered was the following:

    3M Perfect-it III Fast Cut Plus out and partnered it up with Orange 3M UK compounding foam pad

    :nod: yes I saw the sticker as well, but to be honest I didn't think it would be this hard :shrug:

    Oh wet sanding would have worked fine, but the owner opted not to go for it...besides wet sanding the entire vehicle would have taken some time. It came down to the owner deciding what he could live with and how much clear coat he was willing to sacrifice.

    But I had my wet sanding disks and DA's ready to go :thumb:
  11. richy

    richy Guest

    Carlos..man you got that car looking so incredibly wet. The depth of the reflections are amazing too. What an awesome opportunity for someone to learn! That was some very, very good work!!
  12. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Awesome job as always Carlos. What, no sticky cc on this one?
  13. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Glad you enjoyed it richy and it was fun detailing this vehicle with the owner :thumb:

    Thank you doc :peace: I was all ready for the sticky clear coat :thumb: but instead I got extremely hard clear coat :shrug: I kinda prefer the hard clear coat though, but that's just me.
  14. merlin3008

    merlin3008 Birth of a Detailer

    Carlos...you seem to know a lot about the G so you might know this from experience. How do you correct the metal trim around the window frames? My trim which appears to be very thin polished aluminum is pretty scuffed from the dealer. Any thoughts??
  15. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well I don't know it all and to be honest, I know what metal trim you speak of and to be perfectly honest I have yet had to correct those metal trims. Most of the Infinities I've worked on have been brand new and haven't had the need to touch this metal trim. I've been curious though if Autosol would be too aggressive on such areas, the thing is these metal trims are actually not metal, they are a mix between plastic and what in my opinion are coated with some sort of fine chrome(ish) coating.

    Like I said I've only played around with these trims on my own vehicles and even then I didn't do a good job, what was happening to me was that the more I touched it with what ever I touched it with the worse I made it. I wanted to remove all the fine scratches/micro marring on the metal trim and I first tried to remove it with Mothers Billit (I think that's the name) and it looked like it was getting worse, I then tried another area with some 85RD and a micro fiber towel and that too seemed to make it worse...after that I gave up and went about my business.

    That's why on the vehicles I detail I make sure I do a good job at taping such metal strips, because I don't want to make them worse. But I should really look into these metal strips a bit more, as my Lexus is in need of some work around the metal trims as well.

    Well if anyone has any tips I'd love to hear it, you know save me some trial and error :thumb:
  16. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Great work Nica, well done indeed :thumb:

    How do you like the 3M FCP Nica? To date I have yet to find anything that can match it in terms of demolishing swirls in hard clears and also finishing down better than most compounds we have tried previously.

    PS, those hood shots are terrific, no wonder you couldn't stop taking photies :D
  17. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Thank you Carn, glad you enjoyed it. We had a great time detailing this vehicle. As for 3M UK FCP I'm very pleased with this polish and when ever Menzerna doesn't cut it I step up to my next up polish which is the 3M UK products. I like how it finishes down and it always delivers.

    Yea I got carried a way with the hood photos but they were really nice and I couldn't resist.
  18. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    Nice work guys :thumb:
  19. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Doesnt the 09 g37's have the scratch shield clear coat on them? I keep hearing different things, like your'e not supposed to take a buffer to it. Idk just read about that when they first came out. That was the main reason why i held out on purchasing the new g37's cause I wouldn't be able to fully detail my car. But seeing this makes me wonder if that scratch shield is just a marketing ploy to add more value for the customer when they buy. Anyway nice job, car looks great!!!
  20. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Glad you enjoyed it :peace:

    You know the owner of the vehicle was telling me this as well, that supposedly your not to polish the vehicle, that heat would correct the clear coat. When he told me this I just scratched my head and wondered. So what we did is I got my 1000W lights turned them out and let the heat from the lights worm up the surface of the vehicle. The area where the lights were set to heat up had a deep scratch, after a wile the owner felt the scratch and said he could barely feel it...however, it did not remove any scratch, swirls..ect..ect..on the vehicle..so to me this claim that the clear coat will correct it's self in my opinion is false...the clear coat is dam hard, I'll give it that but clear coat that will corect it's self, I don't know sounds to good to be true but that's just me.

    Well just sharing my opinion, glad you enjoyed the detail :peace:

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