Most durable protection

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by sweater914, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. sweater914

    sweater914 Virgin Detailer

    Third thread in a hour please bare with me guys.

    I'm trying to decipher through all this wonderful information which sealant will give me a minimum 6 months protection perferably 9-12 months. I live in North Dakota and due to the shitty climate I can only wax my vehicles twice a year for the 3 that I own.

    I've been looking at products from Zaino and the fact you can apply the product by hand is appealing. They claim 6-12 months protection depending on product. I'm trying not to get tunnel vision over one sealant and trying to see big picture. What other manufacturers offer equilivant (or better) sealants? Hand application isn't a must have feature.

    I'd love to shotgun purchase a bunch of sealants/waxes but budget constraints will not entertain that option.

    Thanks for your time guys
  2. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    i'm sure that there will be alot of people talking about sealants that cost upwards of 50+, but i've heard nothing but good out of the combo of Duragloss 601 (bonding agent) and the Duragloss 105. I don't know about the 9-12 months, but atleast 6. Also if with a good wash practice, and a proper spray wax to help aid, you should have a sealant that lasts quite a while.
  3. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    If possible, don't limit yourself to just considering sealants.

    I chose Collinite 476s and received good durability this winter in Canada.

    On three cars they survived at least 5 months. (one car had two layers)

    As for sealants, Duragloss is pretty good. A budget version of Zaino.
  4. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I would have to say your best bet is either Collinite 476s/845 or Duragloss 105.
  5. mrgolfrider

    mrgolfrider DB Forum Supporter

    it feels pretty good having people agree with me!!!
  6. dublifecrisis

    dublifecrisis Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    i agree too. Collinite and DG always come to mind in reference to getting a good rain 3-4 months later and seeing mad beading. I'm always blown away.
  7. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Another vote here for Collinite 845. A breeze to apply/remove, and durabiility is awesome!
  8. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    zaino Z-2 ZFX-ed x3 topped with Collinite 476Sx2.
  9. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Bang for your $$$ you can't go wrong with Duragloss and Collinite, I personally have not tried Collinite just yet but I have used DG for quite some time and I'm glad I found it, good stuff and lasts.
  10. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I agree with Collinite ( 476 or 845 ) , Blackfire All Finish Paint Protection ( 3-4 months per coat but also use the Deep Gloss Spray Sealant for added durability ) , Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger ( 4-6 months with 2 spray and wipe applications )
  11. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Without a doubt, Collinite 845. I have it on my personal vehicle and I see no reason why to change at this point. The durability is more like a coating than a wax!
  12. Lowprofile

    Lowprofile Virgin Detailer

    DG 601 and DG 105.
  13. MadOzodi

    MadOzodi Nuba Guru

    What'd really be good is DG 601 + 105, *then* topped with 845/476. Or the Al-53 winter lineup of DG 501, 2 coats of 105, topped with 476.
  14. corrswitch

    corrswitch Jedi Nuba

    I've always wondered with the amount of people who like Collinite, why they don't have more products and/or bigger marketing.
    Its spread by word of mouth.

    Maybe its due to its durability that we don't by that much from them :)

    Anyways, I'll enjoy Collinite being my little secret to my friends who still use don't really care much about autocare who wonder why my wax lasts so long. I only tell them that I'm using "boat wax" and they're intrigued and surprised. :)
  15. Bunky

    Bunky Guest

    I am more curious why if Collinite is so durable why other makers do not try to emulate the formula. It must not be for the cost... that is, someone could use the same basic formula and charge a lot more... I know it is not rated very high on the easy of use (Bubba proof) category.
  16. bigpoppa

    bigpoppa Jedi Nuba

    Zaino, when applied properly (ie. after an IPA wipe and ZAIO) has lasted me longer than anything else I've used.

    Collinite comes in 2nd, I personally find 476s to be sort of a PITA to apply, though. I reach for 845 more often.
  17. dogma

    dogma Guest

    Nothing lasts as long as zaino. the only one that comes close is DG. I used Collinite exclusively for years and its no doubt the most durable wax made. As far as JW I have the whole line and trust me this stuff doesn't last .
  18. scot_w

    scot_w Birth of a Detailer

    Z-CS Clear Seal or a combination of Zaino products?
  19. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    Duragloss 105
    Collinite 845
    Werkstat Acrylic Jett Trigger
  20. dogma

    dogma Guest

    When appled like instructed. There are thousands of products that look great,but Zaino gives the best of both worlds.

    For polish I will use ZPC or Menzerna then a Z6 wipe down
    I prefer Z5 pro and always use ZFX to ensure proper bonding then ZCS and or Z8.

    I have used ZCS to lock in other products such as DWG,WMF and my new favorite SWAX.

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