Just a quickie, we have a client wanting a quick once over job tomorrow :doh: and we don't really currently have a good AIO product (mild polish/paint cleaner with filling & sealing properties). Any recommendations, preferably from Meguiars or CG's as they are readily available to me TIA :thumb:
Autoglyms Resin Polish will work very well to conceal light marring from improper washing habits, but make sure to top with Extra Gloss Protection. The fillers in the Resin polish will disappear after a few washes if not topped with a sealant. Werkstat products may remove light marring but make sure to top with something for longevity. Prime and Prime Strong have some of the sealant in them, but not enough to provide any lasting protection. Its great for doing doorjambs with - one step and you're done.
i have to agree with 911 100%.... as far as the Autoglym SRP and EGP combo it looks great and lasts a good while....if i have a car that i Clay and needs a decent filling and the customer doesnt want me to polish it then this is my GoTo combo....it goes on and off super easy.....
If you want so durability/longevity with Prime, I would recommend going with Prime Acrylic. That and Acrylic Jett Trigger will be in my next Werkstat order.
Autoglym SRP Optimum Poli-seal Klasse AIO Werkstatts Prime/Strong Zaino AIO Duragloss 501 Eash of these will work well. SRP corrects the best imo. Poli-seal and Prime Strong last the longest for me. Prime original is very similar to Klasse AIO. Duragloss is the cheapest and performs great.
I will have to agree with the D151, it has good cut, and finish's down nicely, decent work time too, and it smells good if that matters..