carn & Rustbucket....The worst to date

Discussion in 'Show and Shine' started by Carn, Mar 30, 2009.

  1. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Appologies for only getting the full post up now having left only a teaser a week or 2 ago. This past weekend was our 1st full weekend away from detailing since early Jan and I in particular did nothing much at all for a change :drinking2:

    Our client from the Michelangelo Towers contacted us and told us he had a 'challenge' for us in the form of a Golf 5 GTI he recently acquired, naturally we couldn't wait to see what was in store for us :tiptoe:

    Saturday morning arrived and we headed off to the towers to see what lay in store for us. To say we were shocked at the condition of the car, which was less than a year old and had only covered 10k km, was an understatement. Anyways enough babbling lets get onto the detailing and some photies ;)

    Prep Work

    As always the wheels were the 1st stop and were soaked with Sonax Xtreme Rim Cleaner and left to dwell whilst we prepared some wash solution and got our gear ready.


    Sonax applied and left to do its thing

    Rinsed, dried and dressed some time later

    With the wheels out of the way we proceeded to wash the car using the 2BM and a selection of wash mitts, brushes and in this instance Meguiars Soft Wash Gel. After washing and rinsing the entire car was clayed with a combo of Meg's Fine clay and Auto Magic Meduim Clay before being rinsed again and dried off in preperation for the paint inspection. Unfortunately no pics from the wash/clay process but I am sure you all know whats involved :graduation:

    Paint Inspection

    With the car properly cleaned we proceeded to have at look at her under the lights. As mentioned before we were truly shocked to see the condition this relatively new vehicle's paintwork was in :gross:

    A selection of paint defects from around the vehicle :yikes:

    Our client wasn't lying when he said this one would test our skills, regardless we couldn't wait to get stuck in and see what kind of correction we could achieve.

    And so it starts

    After taping up we proceeded to test various combo's and see what would be required in order to bring this ugly duckling back to life.

    Bonnet taped in preperation for a 50/50

    After testing a few combo's we settled on a 2 stage approach, SIP worked via rotary on a green 3M compounding pad followed by FA on a yellow 3M polishing pad. This combo knocked the swirls out of the park and restored some much needed lustre back to the paintwork.

    A selection of 50/50's from along the way

    Chess anyone ?

    Black vs Grey

    With our initial testing on the bonnet complete we made our way around the car. A few snaps from along the way


    And after



    Fender 50/50's

    Drivers side patchwork

    Drivers door

    Passenger side wasn't much better

    Rear arch action

    Rear end rejuvenation...



    And after

    Taillights were corrected with FA on the yellow pads at lower speeds


    And afters

    B pillars needed some TLC

    Thats better

    With nearly 10 hours of work behind us we finally got the paint correction work completed and popped back into the wash bay for a final washdown before finishing off.

    Post paint correction

    Having completed the correction work and with the car washed and dried we proceeded to seal the paintwork and apply the finishing touches to the car. Poorboys EX Sealant was the LSP of choice on the day and would be standing guard over the newly rejuventated paintwork.

    As it was already past 10 in the evening we had to make do with some indoor shots from the underground parking garage :uhoh2:


    A week later whilst detailing another vehicle for the same client we were asked to perform a maintenance wash on the GTI and this gave us the opportunity to get some much deserved outdoor shots :applause2:


    Some reflection shots

    Overall this was a really fun detail and we learnt alot in the process. At the end of the day both ourselves and the client were blown away with the end result.

    Thanks for looking :thumb:
  2. kei169

    kei169 Wax on..Wax off

    nice write ups......
    couldn't image how happy ur customer is...
  3. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

  4. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Very nice work! Do I spot a nice little white Mk1 in the reflection shot?
  5. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    You guys really are somethin' else! Without fail, every time, your display a perfect result no matter what the starting point is. Well done!!!
  6. JLs Detailing

    JLs Detailing DB Pro Supporter

    Incredible work David. You and Grant do some of the best work I've seen and your ability to correct horrible paintwork is stellar. Glad you got some outside shots as the ones in the underground garage just couldn't do justice to the job you two did.
  7. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Wow, now that is a resurrection
  8. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Well done, incredible turn around :applause: :applause:

    The owner of that vehicle must have been thrilled to see the end results, well done :thumb:
  9. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Beautiful job guys. Thank god you got some outside pics. The undergrounds didn't do your work any justice at all. That PB EX-P is a very under appreciated product. Two coats lasted the entire winter on a clients F350 that wasn't garaged at all.
  10. BrendanS

    BrendanS Welcome to Detailing

    Great pictures, the reflection shots look amazing as well!
  11. detaildoc

    detaildoc Guest

    Wow! Amazing turnaround. Those 50/50 are great. :worship2:
  12. supercharged

    supercharged DB Forum Supporter

    Well done! :headbang:
  13. Rustbucket

    Rustbucket Birth of a Detailer

    Wow, thanks for the comments guys.

    Still owe much of what we learnt to this forum you know.:thumb:

    And, yes, that is a MK1 golf in the reflection. Its Daves.
  14. My2Cents

    My2Cents Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Excellent write up and job well done !
  15. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    Very nicely done, Carn. The shots of your progress are amazing! Many times, we all see it, but we can't capture it on the camera like you do.

    What is FA btw? Do you mean 106FA?
  16. merlin3008

    merlin3008 Birth of a Detailer

    geez, what did the previous owner clean the car with? sand paper? great job!
  17. Carn

    Carn Welcome to Detailing

    Thanks for all the comments guys, appreciate the feedback :thumb:

    P1et the Mk1 is my wife's car, need to post some pics at some stage as a few people have asked about it. They are as common as muck here in SA but I guess they are few and far between elsewhere in the world :applause2:

    SpecC FA is Menzerna 106FA, appologies for leaving out the Menz bit :sorry:
  18. Jay J

    Jay J Birth of a Detailer

    Incredible work mang :)

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