Still getting film on window

Discussion in 'Last Steps: Waxes, Sealants, and Coatings' started by stealthmode, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Hey guys, i still get this film on my window(s) sometimes and i cant figure out what its from. Cant be from the shampoo cause i tryed 3 different shampoos. Since nothing touches the outside glass after the wash process (only a quick cleaning with adam's glass) i'm guessing that the only possible thing doing this would be my wash mitt or ww drying towel??? This is driving me nuts!!!:thud:
  2. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    Don't know what to tell you, except what I use to clean my glass. I claybar the glass, use Stoner's IG (recently picked up a can of sprayway to try out), then FK425. No streaking, and no need for rain-x/aquapel treatment. Once I used DG105 after claying the glass, but found it rather hard to remove, and didn't really give me much of a difference on the surface.
  3. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    The film magically appears on the windshield (sometimes all windows) a few hours after im finished working on the car. I dont apply any product to the glass. It feels slick/oily and buffs off.:shead:
  4. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    To share my experience with this....i was using Megs Glass Cleaner concentrate at 10:1 and i noticed this fog and it was really bugging me as well..i switched glass cleaners and it went away...i cant comment on adams glass as i havent used it but maybe its worth trying
  5. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Was that on the inside or outside of the glass? Usually when i do the inside its no problem as far as any film left behind. But on the outside even if i dont clean the glass theres a film on a few hours later. In the moment the glass looks perfect and if i rub my finger on the outside it has no oily texture to it.
  6. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    You sure you are rinsing well? Also what kind of towel are you using to clean your windows with? If you are using something with residual wax, grease, or will just magnify on glass

    Edit: I forgot to mention, are you spraying your glass cleaner directly on the glass? I always spray mine directly on my pakshak glass WW towel...but i ahve no idea how this might create an oily feeling...i have a feeling you might have a contaminated towel..switch it and try when you can.
  7. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Well i dry the windows with a ww towel and then to wipe them i use the uber glass towel. I have a feeling it might be from the drying towel that i use cause i always wash the glass towels seperatly from the ones i use to remove any polish/lsp. And if i ever apply any sealant to the glass ill just use a regular uber mf towel.

    Edit: Next time im working on a car im just gonna use a new ww towel to see if thats the culprit. Also rinse better i guess but if its only on the front windshield i dont think its from the rinsing
  8. dsms

    dsms DB Forum Supporter

    Are you using the two towel method to clean windows?

    One towel to scrub with your cleaner of choice and a second soft WW glass towel just to buff.

    I find this method helps to reduce streaks and fogging.

    And is megs glass cleaner concentrate really not good? I was running low on Stoners IG and bought a gallon of megs a few weeks back but havent used it yet.
  9. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    Try boiling the towels so all the built-up product will get out.
  10. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    Well i havent had good luck with it..i had a pretty bad fogging issue..but that was a while back and i wasnt using the 2 side/towel that couldve caused it. But i have a ton of it left and i dont think i will be using any of it.
  11. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    How does that work? Do I just boil, then wash as usual? OR Boil and dry? Do I do this to my WW drying towel also? Thanks
  12. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    Wash them first, then boil them for a few minutes. Yes, it will be fine for the drying towel (and will probably take care of the problem). Let me know if you try it.
  13. stealthmode

    stealthmode Two Bucket System Washer

    Will do, thanks for the tips!!
  14. Duratys

    Duratys Welcome to Detailing

    If the towel still tends to ‘streak’ boil the towels for at least 20 minute, this will soften the fibres, and release any wax / polish residue. This will also release any lint, which will actually come to the surface of the water. Pre-soak in a liquid detergent / water and then squeeze out wax/polish with your hands and rinse thoroughly.

    Allow micro fibre towels to boil for twenty (20) minutes (ensure that water does not fully evaporate) you will find that more wax / polish residue comes out even after a towel has been thoroughly washed.

    Empty out the water and then remove the towel, don't do it the other way or you'll re-introduce debris to the towel again.

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