other then a PC

Discussion in 'Tools - Machine Polishers, Pressure Washers, Detai' started by xmpz, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. xmpz

    xmpz Virgin Detailer

    I was very interested in detailing my car and such, making it shiny and such (i have a bit unhealthy obsession with shiny cars, and shiny things in general

    Well anyways, In every single detailing guide I read everyone suggests the PC 7424 as their preferred choice of buffer. This isn't a very expensive buffer but being a full time student paying for my own tuition, apartment, food, car etc.... well you guys know where I'm going with this.
    I wanted to ask if any one of you out there had equivalently good results (or close) with a (random orbital) buffer other then the PC 7424, which costs a bit less?

    I ran across this and this one on ebay, would you guys recommend them?
    Also, Would I be able to fit a bonnet or such on a random orbital sander and use it just the same?
  2. J BELL

    J BELL Nuba Guru

    I would honestly wait, save my money and get a PC, i wouldnt mess around with trying to make a better fit...everytime i have ever done that i just waste a ton of money and end up buying what i was trying to substitute for.
  3. Denzil

    Denzil Guest

    I would just save up just like I did. It was well worth it. :)
  4. xmpz

    xmpz Virgin Detailer

    saving up isn't an option for me, I would like to detail my car over the summer, but I will be paying tuition for another 2 years.
    I would work extra hours but in this economy its hard to find a second job and my hours at my main job was cut.

    if you guys HAD to pick an alternative what would you go with?
  5. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Not the porta-Cable. That is strickly a wood sander and not a polisher. It would be a waste of money...If you don't have time to save then atleast take a little time to look around. There is alot of options out there. You need to make a sound decision so you can move forward...Maybe someone one the forum has a used PC that would like to sell...:thumb:
  6. xmpz

    xmpz Virgin Detailer

    a used PC sounds like the best option for me.
    Which forum should i post in for this?
  7. GLuXuRy

    GLuXuRy Birth of a Detailer

    maybe find a used PC ?
  8. akimel

    akimel Birth of a Detailer

    Sometimes you can find someone selling a used Porter-Cable on eBay. And sometimes you can find someone over at Meguiar's Online willing to sell a used G100 (which is a re-packaged PC but with a lifetime warranty), so it might be worthwhile making a query there in the Sale & Trade section.

    Do NOT waste your money on a regular orbital polisher. They are only good for applying and removing waxes. If you really want one of those, you can have my 10" orbital.
  9. pektel

    pektel DB Forum Supporter

    You know, I got mine from a member over at detailuniversity.com. Since there are guys wanting to upgrade to the Flex, you should be able to find someone to sell you their PC for between 75-100 US. But remember that polishes/pads ain't any cheaper than the machine. You have to factor that in as well.

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