HELP! Jet Black BMW

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by dublifecrisis, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. dublifecrisis

    dublifecrisis Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    Ok, not to panic before I even lay eyes on the car but in the coming weeks I have an 02 M3 needing full exterior detail. The customer just put on new 19" wheels and next week it's going in the shop for some new coilovers. He takes good care of the car and said he gets it "detailed" once a year. I haven't seen the car in person yet but says only minor swirls are visible in direct sun. My normal take on this is - ok that means medium swirls...LOL

    Anyway, I've read some horror stories about Bimmer paint, particularly regarding Jet Black. I'll be using my PC for the job. I have a good selection of PFW and Lake Country pads and on the shelf-menzerna IP/FP combo, M105/205 combo. I've got a full bottle of M83 also but..

    Not so worried about which sealant/wax discussion but looking for some guidance or any tips on polishing Jet Black or Bimmer paint in general. All comments welcome.

  2. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    The paint is awful, worst paint in the world. It's incredibly soft, to the point where I saw MFs marring the paint.

    What is your finest polish? Do you have PO85RD? That on a gray pad might be what you need, then an ultra soft MF to remove your waxes. To be honest, something like Z5 Pro might do the trick.
  3. dublifecrisis

    dublifecrisis Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    poli-seal is probably the least abrasive polish I have unless Menzerna Final Polish is finer. Duragloss 105 is on the shelf too but that's really just a cleaner/sealant as you probably know. I've got some good soft MF and plenty of grey and red pads.

    So if the swirls are in fact minor should I not even reach for 105 or 83? I wonder if a greay pad and 205 would be too much.

    Thanks for the input...would love some more
  4. D&D Auto Detailing

    D&D Auto Detailing DB Forum Supporter

    This is definitely one of those situations where you want to start with the least aggressive method first.
  5. mb43

    mb43 Obsessive Detailer

    I have never worked on jet black, but it is a very beautiful color. Since it is so soft you have to be really careful and it will be easy to create buffer trails. Good luck, and I hope you post some pics when you're done :).
  6. dublifecrisis

    dublifecrisis Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I'm wondering if either poli-seal OR poli-seal mixed with a bit of Optimum polish would work on this? Part fo the fear with JB from what I've read is marring from even just wiping polish residue off. If I can get any correction with poli-seal it doesn't even really leave any residue so I could just buff it off lightly with some OCW or AW right? It is a beautiful deep color when cleaned up so I was hoping to finish with a nuba and admire.
    I'm half tempted to just not do it but that wouldn't be very fun.
  7. SpecC

    SpecC Wax on..Wax off

    you will not be able to finish with anything less than PO85RD or 106FF/FA
  8. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    I had great success in the past with Orange + Prima Swirl as a one step. That got rid of a majority of the swirls with a couple of the deep scratches left behind. May work for you, who knows :shrug:
  9. dublifecrisis

    dublifecrisis Any Rag Vehicle Washer

    I've got PO85U. I was hoping to get away from Menzerna...LOL Notsure I want to drop $50 on another bottle.

    Thanks for y'alls help.
  10. odgaard

    odgaard Birth of a Detailer

    let us know how it goes. i have a jet black im going to be doing here in the next couple of months
  11. edwinbong

    edwinbong DB Forum Supporter

    would be interested to hear more about your JB experience
  12. scheerspeed

    scheerspeed DB Forum Supporter

    i used to have jet black 3-series. it can be a pain to work with if youe MF towels are not 100% perfect and particle free. any little thing stuck in the towel will drag itself into the paint and scratch a freshly polished surface. also use VERY LITTLE pressure on the towel when buffing off the polish. it is better to wipe it off with alcohol than try and buff it off hard, but watchout, because the alcohol also can make it easier for the towel to make micro-marring

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