Like what the title states I'm thinking about buying Zymol wax in the near future and I was just wondering which one would be a good entry level?
i'm a little bit effy about buying wax on ebay. Is it legit? Is concours good for all colors or just a selected type of wax like either dark or light colored cars?
All depends on the seller. But the one I was going to buy was legit. Zymol Concours is suitable for all paint types and colors.
two zymol waxes to look into are glasur (this is def a sleeper, its often forgoten but its a great wax) and zymol concours. Its alittle more expensive but looks great, its a very consitant fun wax
I was looking at Glasur and it says that the wax is meant for porsche I let the idea of buying that go by me. So I'm assuming Glasur can be used not only just on Porsche paint?
I'm not a huge Zym0l fan, but if I had to choose one entry line it would be Glasur. It's pretty reasonably priced and I preferred the depth and clarity of it over Zym0l concours. As Calagarydetail mentioned, it is a sleeper! It's marketed as a Porsche wax, but honestly I don't think it matters. I have used it on a Carbon black BMW with great results. Carbon black metallic after menz FPII and 3m hand glaze topped 2 coats of Zym0l Glasur!
I would have to agree, if your just getting your feet wet with Zymol waxes, I would strongly recommend Glasur, it's an incredable wax. Oh and don't let the "just for Porche" throw you off, you can use it on any vehicle :thumb:
Glasur rocks! I have used it on a couple of vehicles last year, with black paint. I think I reserve this wax for black paint (dont know why). Great wax for the money!!
I would start with either carbon or titanium as an entry level wax. Get acquainted with some of the techniques that zymol and other users recommend. I would not recommend purchasing a high dollar zymol wax until you are satisfied with the results of one of their typical waxes. To me, carbon and titanium can bring excellent results if they are handled with care. Its my opinion that all authentic zymols share common qualities such as an even toned gloss and a well rendered reflective finish with two or more applications. Zymols on average, at least with what I've seen, will not have an overly "wet" or glossy finish in its beginning stages. You can get better than average reflectivity with most of the zymols even with one session. I'll leave the rest for your "in-person" experience once you try a zymol wax. Good luck.
Yea Zymol tends to bs a little bit in terms of their products, such as leather feeding and that sort of thing. Although there are some waxes that look better on different colors, I doubt any work better on different cars.
Not in my experience. I used Carbon for years, with and without HD Cleanse. I just find HD Cleanse a misery to work with - it's pretty difficult to remove. Carbon's a pretty okay wax. I've only stopped using it because I've found stuff I like better.
I personally would skip the carbon, i didnt think it was worth even the 50 dollar price tag..a lot better out there...glasur or titanium is the lowest i would go if doing it again