How polish repaint....

Discussion in 'Compounds, Polishes, Paint Cleaners, and Glazes' started by rtrt2889, Dec 13, 2008.

  1. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    I am about to do my friend's BMW 2002. It is white, but it has been repainted. It has a base coat and a clear coat.

    I have heard that non-OEM paint are different to polish, is that true?

    I have Menz SIP, 106FA, 85RD, and 3M Ultrafina UK.
    I have a PC and a Makita.
  2. Asphalt Rocket

    Asphalt Rocket Nuba Guru

    There is no difference in polishing a re-paint. Just be very carefull since you do not know how thin or thick the new paint work is.
  3. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    Also, if it has been repainted within the past 60-90 days, don't wax it. Just glaze. The paint has to breathe.
  4. virtual

    virtual DB Pro Supporter

    My experience is that repainted cars have medium to hard paint. Perfect to work with!
    Don't know if it's true, but I've heard that carnauba wax altso breathes.
  5. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    As posted by REFLECT, you can polish and glaze, but no wax or sealant for paint less than 45 days old. Start with the mildest polish/ pad combo and work your way up until you find the combo that gets the results you want. What year is the 2002? Is it a tii by any chance? Post pics please.
  6. Nica

    Nica Banned

    All good advice here, not much I can add...besides play it safe :shead:...that's all I got the other guys covered it already :thumb:
  7. Reflect

    Reflect DB Forum Supporter

    I don't think carnuaba is breathable. You just have to glaze often if you want some kind of protection.
  8. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    I would read the labels on the glazes. I have a couple that can't be used on fresh paint. Or call the manufacturer, better to be safe than sorry.
  9. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    Which ones, Scottie? Just so everyone knows.
  10. ghost28

    ghost28 Birth of a Detailer

    i was told by a local paint rep that sealants are OK for fresh paint as they allow it to breathe but Nubas are a no no since they dont.....

    the local shop i do some work for puts sealant on all the cars they finish and have never had any issues....especially on Baked finishes which today most all body shops bake the paint.....
  11. ScottieB

    ScottieB Jedi Nuba

    911, they are glazes that I have gotten from a local paint supply store. Nothing I have seen anybody here mention. Just thought I would through it out there so people would read the labels.
  12. rtrt2889

    rtrt2889 Birth of a Detailer

    Thanks everyone,

    sorry to mention, the car have been painted for awhile and it is a one stage paint. I don't think i have enough pads for that. I'll wait until i have more pads or something
  13. wagonproject

    wagonproject Jedi Nuba

    Didn't know that as I really just tell customers to wait at least 60-90 days before they apply anything. We do though apply 3M glaze on most new paint jobs...

    And yeah most shops bake them, but be careful as some don't. But given its winter now I would say like you said a lot do. We bake all our paint jobs.

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