Carwash on History Channel

Discussion in 'Detailing Bliss Lounge' started by TexasTB, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    Last night, they had a documentary on the Carwash on Modern Marvels on the History Channel.
    Had some interesting stuff on there. They explained the difference between a car wash and a detailer. And how a automatic was strips wax.

    They had a detailer on there from Mothers I believe it was. I was tired and fell asleep half way through, so I didn't get to see all of it. Just thought it was neat.
  2. Buddy

    Buddy Getting to know Detailing

    Thanks for the heads up. I like the discovery channel. I'll keep my eye's open. It sounds like a good one...:thumb:
  3. Obsessive Detail

    Obsessive Detail Pro Detailer - Lifetime Member

    I caught a little bit of it.
  4. Nica

    Nica Banned

    Ooh now that's worth watching :thumb:

    If anyone catches it please record and figure out a way to get it on the net :thumb:

    I'm sure it can be done, all my PVR's have an USB output..I'm sure you can connect it to your computer? Can you? :shead:
  5. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    it may be able to be purchased online. Let me check and see
  6. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

  7. ALICIA21

    ALICIA21 Virgin Detailer

    History channel is a great channel
  8. advs1

    advs1 DB Forum Supporter

    LOL i watched it and thought of all my fellow forum members who would like to see it. i did record it, now just have to figure out how to get it from the dvr to computer and upload it. i hope uploading it doesnt violate some laws? maybe i can burn it on dvd and we can pass it around?
  9. eyezack87

    eyezack87 Guest

    Please do. I missed it due to a night class :sorry:
  10. Chris@Optimum

    Chris@Optimum DB Certified Manufacturer

    I have Netflix and most of the Modern Marvels series is available to watch instantly from a PC, however I couldn't find the car wash one. Was i on the inventions one or was the whole show about carwashing?
  11. 911Fanatic

    911Fanatic DB Pro Supporter

    I guess I shouldn't be suprised, one's never enough is it! LOL
  12. Nica

    Nica Banned

    hmm...there has to be a way, but burning it isn't a bad idea either :cheerl:

    You know me, never buy one lol..minimum three :crasy: :crasy:

  13. TexasTB

    TexasTB Obsessive Detailer

    The whole show was on carwashing and detailing. Automatics and such. It had a "tour" through the AWC factory and showed them making detailing clay.
  14. trhland

    trhland Nuba Guru

    i hope they replay it love to see it .....
  15. slanguage

    slanguage OD On Detailing

    cool. thanks.
  16. P1et

    P1et Official DB Moderator

    Hopefully I can catch that next time it's on...
  17. Dust2Glory

    Dust2Glory Nuba Guru

    Dang rabbit ears!!!! Never nothin good!
  18. trl2112

    trl2112 Two Bucket System Washer

    Hope you got your converter boxes!

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