With all the nasty salt and sand they spread here, jsut curious to what everone does here in the winter months. I on a weekly basis go to the car wash and high pressure rinse - soap my car for like 10 minutes.... to get the road grime and msot of the salt off and if we have any days above 0 I hand wash my car after a few good soaks with the foam gun... what about everyone else??
Anyway I can. ONR is great if it's not too bad. I'll drive through a touch-less if it's real cold. If it's reasonable out I'll use the DIY coin-op. Right now my black Jeep is white with salt. It's been snowing everyday here for a week. I had to drive 250 miles last weekend on salt covered roads. Yuck!
:nod: yup that's what I'll be doing from here on in...but I add the steamer to the ONR process now :thumb: just can't seem to get enough steam time :cheerl:
I just freeze. I washed a clients truck the other morning before the sun came up over his house. From the time it was rinsed off and me walking to my van to get drying rags, the water had froze on the top of the truck. In the summer, I want cooler weather.... when it finally cools down, I want my summer months back!!!!
thats everyones mentality on weather.... if its too cold, they want heat; if its too hot, they want coolness. i prefer cooler weather, i seem to sleep much better, and it makes me feel good overall. plus i am more relaxed. i;ve washed/detailed in the cold..... kinda sucks. if its really cold but i need to get things done, i'll heat up several large pots of water and use that for my bucket water, while using the cold water for rinsing. for drying i will take the pots of hot water and splash it over the car, that way once my towel collects the water, it wont feel so cold on my hands. which is where gloves also do their magic, once the water gets cold, you still have gloves
I buy and use those yellow dish washing gloves in the winter time. Put them on over my nitrile gloves. Keeps the hands a little warmer.